About Us
Ennoble Academic Society (EAS) is non-profitable professional organization registered under
Society Registered under Society Registration Act XXI of 1973, India. EAS has been
established in early 2020 with the aim to uplift scholars for the research
development in all the fields of academic and scientific disciplines. EAS has been
established with an aim to become one of the leading publishers for high quality
scientific journals as well as to provide best research support for researchers and
academicians. EAS provides an excellent scope for academicians, researchers,
students to boost their research and technical knowledge. EAS is in a ‘Research
Publication House’ which is already publishing pharmacy scientific journals namely:
IJDDHR (International Journal of Drug Discovery and Herbal Research) since 2011,
IJPLS (International Journal of Pharmacy and Life Sciences), since 2010 and have
added another feather of engineering journal: IEJEST (International Ennoble Journal
of Engineering Sciences & Technology). Very soon we are coming with ‘Ennoble
Research Laboratory’, with state of art facilities to provide perfect base and
modern facilities to the upcoming researches and researchers.
Currently, we are publishing three journals in two major scientific disciplines
i.e., pharmacy as well as engineering. We have excellent team of editorial board
members, reviewers and staff members; we are quite positive that our research
journal related to engineering will also reach to promising stage as our IJDDHR is.
We are very eager make our self reliable and promising publishers of scientific
journals in short span of time. EAS is aimed to serve the researchers around the
globe with over open access scientific journals.
Establishment of Ennoble Academic Society (EAS)
EAS is an academic society involved in publishing Open Access Pharmacy, Life sciences and Engineering related journals. EAS is dedicated for organizing ‘Scientific Conferences’, on regular basis making professional network more stronger and unsurpassed place to present and discuss scientific work, research, exchange views and ideas. EAS believes in developing strong scientific, academicians’ and scholars panel/group of professionals by providing them Professional Memberships (EA Scientific Associates) . We also provide ‘Scholarship’ and other ‘Research related facilities’ to poor but meritorious students.
We share and keep you updated on the latest happenings on regular basis by our sections ‘Scholarly News & Achievements’, through our platform as well as social media channels and will be never the less to involve in all social welfare activities related to either pharmacy or engineering.
The society is run by a team of dedicated editors and reviewers, supported by young and innovative authors. (For more details click the link Editorial Board) In the coming years, EAS has will be evolved as one of forerunner in the publishing industry around the world. Our vision is to lead through the ideas of technology, people, and innovation.
Why to publish with Ennoble Academic Society’s Journal?
At present, EAS scope is to publish high-quality original research papers, case reports and other manuscripts. We promote scientific research with the help of rigorous Peer-Review process. We are empowered by eminent group of editors and reviewers. The Editorial Board oversee the rigorous multi-level Peer-Review process including evaluating submissions, selecting reviewers and assessing their comments and making editorial decisions.
We foster the open-access policy strongly and offer unrestricted access to the papers published, reproduction and distribution of the manuscripts in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We are dedicated to offer researchers a broad range of services and are well known for providing online publication in an efficient and effective manner.
Our journals are indexed in Google Scholar (e-Google), Index Copernicus, Europe (Journal ID-5369) EBSCO Publishing, Inc., USA Research Gate (Germany), Chemical Abstract Services, (CAS), USACAB, London, UK(CABI Publishing House) PSOAR(Pharmaceutical Sciences Open Access Resources) Open J Gate MAPA (Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Abstract) ISA (Indian Science Abstract) Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory, USA Indian Forestry Abstracts (IFA) Research Bib, Tokyo, Japan, Indian Science H-Net Humanities & Social Sciences Online Directory of Research Journal (DRJI).
EAS wishes to establish a future trend for growth advancement in pharmacy and engineering and technology with the help of scholarly manuscripts. We wish to promote Open Access to facilitate the research literatures available on the public domain free-of-cost and to permit reading or downloading for any lawful purpose. Our vision is to organize Research and Academic related Conferences at national and international level. We wish that our upcoming Research Lab should be well known not only in India but internationally due to its state of art facility and contribution towards research work.
EAS works with a mission to publish discuss and analyze invaluable research, applications and expert opinions in the versatile field of pharmacy, life sciences, engineering and technology. We aim to bring important scientific works to a wide international audience (by scientific conferences) and therefore only publish original papers with strong and analytical messages that advance our understanding of scientific principles. We ensure that the research presented in the manuscripts must be descriptive, providing insights into scope of the journal.